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andym035's picture
Andy Mosiondz
June 11, 2010
Blackwood, NJ
February 14

Blog Posts

Aug 13, 2013
First Trip to Cabo...A Dream Come True!!!
First Trip to Cabo...A Dream Come True!!!
First Trip to Cabo...A Dream Come True!!!
First Trip to Cabo...A Dream Come True!!!

Wow what a vaction!!! To celebrate our 10th Anniversary my wife, Sabrina, surprised me with my first trip to Cabo from July 19-24. What an incredible place! We stayed at the Villa del Palmar Cabo San Lucas...about a 5 minute cab ride from the Cantina. The people of Cabo were amazing, the weather was great (not too hot) and the food was incredible.

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Jun 20, 2013
Sammy in Cabo this July???
Sammy in Cabo this July???

Hello fellow Redheads!!!

Quick question for all of you...when Sammy pops up on stage with the house bands by surprise in Cabo, what days of the week does that typically happen? Weekends? Weeknights?

My wife just surprised me with a trip to Cabo (my FIRST trip there!) from July 19 - July 23 for our 10th anniversary and I'm REALLY excited to finally see the Cantina!!! I'm hoping Sammy is in town before the leg of his tour in late July and that he might hop on stage as a little warm up for those shows.

Sep 21, 2011
Different Devil Rocks!

I just stumbled across Different Devil on YouTube and I love it!!! What an awesome song both lyrically and the sound of the band. Can't wait to hear the rest of Chickenfoot III!!!!!

Great job (as usual) Sammy!!!
