Fan Blogs

July 07, 2016 by ssoman 
Sammy's Birthday Bash 2016
Sammy's Birthday Bash 2016

We are anxiously awaiting the lottery drawing for Sammy's 2016 Birthday Bash! We attended last year and LOVED IT! Coming soon? Hope to make reservations in advance to avoid the high cost of last-minute reservations. Party on...

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July 06, 2016 by greenfish1965 
What an inspiration Sammy is

I just watched the Big interview with Dan Rather on youtube.

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July 06, 2016 by Mykl J 
St Louis Trip - The Circle St Louis July 3 2016
St Louis Trip - The Circle St Louis July 3 2016
St Louis Trip - The Circle St Louis July 3 2016

What looked like it was going to be an extremely wet event ended up being a bit muddy, but by the time Sammy & Co hit the stage, the rain that had fallen most of Saturday and Sunday took a pause to sit back and watch the show, or so it would seem.

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July 05, 2016 by Sherry 66 
Fair St. Louis July 3rd, 2016

I was here at this show with my husband, my son and his wife, along with their 4year old daughter, and 11/2year old son. An along with my pregnant daughter and her husband. I had and awesome time, enjoyed the music and created some family memories for a life time. Enjoyed watching my granddaughter and grandson dance and rock out to the music.

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July 02, 2016 by Ferrari 

Heading to Saint Louis!

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