Fan Blogs

July 02, 2016 by big Michael Kaufman 
Northwest Arkansas!!

big Michael Kaufman from 93-3 the Eagle will be in attendance...5150!!!!

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June 30, 2016 by theeditor 
Sex, Drugs, Rock and Roll Season Opener with Sammy References
Sex, Drugs, Rock and Roll Season Opener with Sammy References
Sex, Drugs, Rock and Roll Season Opener with Sammy References

References to Sammy, Van Halen, Van Hagar, quoting lyrics, and Cabo Wabo Tequila. Denis Leary's character even comes in with a CW bottle to do shots with the band.

Check it out here . It is the first episode of the second season. Name of episode is "ALL THAT GLITTERS IS GOLD"

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June 24, 2016 by Mandy Buck 
Cabo Birthday Bash 2016

Any word on when the Birthday Bash lottery will be to sign up for tickets

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June 23, 2016 by flutterby2012 
Seattle Redheads! Are there any gatherings of the tribe here?

Sammy fans are the MOST incredibly fun and positive people in the universe. I am new to the area and would like meet people whom are REAL and love to celebrate his music and everything else that Sammy brings us. Those of you living in the Seattle area, Please let me know if there are any gatherings of Redheads here that would take on a new member.
Thanks and I look forward to meeting you! =)

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June 20, 2016 by Roughridge 
Oh my, My, My, My,

New RedHead here, want to Thank Sammy Hagar for his prolific heavy music, energetic showmanship, and the his leadership in living life. My little bother turned me onto Hagar via Standing Hampton LP, learned more about The Red Rocker's Montrose days thru Hit Parade, and got see Sammy Hagar perform at the Texas Jam, back to back in the mid '80's. Celebrate and live life today for today and tomorrow when tomorrow arrives. Hope my Bride and I get to have a few cool ones with RedHeads and the Red Rocker himself in Cabo for Sammy Hagar Birthday Bash. May the Lottery be kind.

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