Latest Red Rocker News

July 23, 2012
Emeril's Gang, Lefty Lucy& BDay Bash Tix Registration

Just back from Tahoe and a great benefit for Larry Ruvo's "Keep Memory Alive" program for fighting Alzheimer's - had a blast cooking with Emeril and his crew and jamming with the Atlantic City Sammy's Beach Bar & Grill house band Lefty Lucy. Also in the house were other supporters Robin Wiliams, Ray Romano and others.

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July 23, 2012
Ticket Links for the Birthday Bash in Cabo are LIVE!

Here it is! Check out this link and get registered if you're looking to attend any of the shows. It's a little different this year than last year, and everything you need to know is on the registration link below. Registration is open all week.

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July 18, 2012
Birthday Bash 2012 Ticketing Info

Hey Redheads! Just got back from Hawaii, totally exited about rum bash coming up in Vegas. Birthday bash ticket registration is gonna be happening soon too.

More info is posted in News!

Also, check out the cool painting of me by Maui artist Nathalie Boutin! She has a studio here on Maui (808-250-6753), and you can also check out her stuff on

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July 17, 2012
2012 Birthday Bash in Cabo

Calling all Redheads!

We're excited to finally announce details on how things will go down for the 2012 Birthday Bash in Cabo!

This year we are selling tickets through a random drawing system. Based on fan response from last year, this makes for the fairest method and avoids the first-come-first-served mad rush that requires some people to stay online all night at home or in cyber cafés around the world.

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July 04, 2012
Making rum in Hawaii, you can too!

I'm in Maui with Mark at the Sammy's Beach Bar Rum distillery! Some fans are stopping by the factory to stir up some mash themselves and sign a barrel and 6 months later it will be in the stores - I just love making Redheads part of the process - this rum is hand made, baby!

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