Birthday Bash 2012 Ticketing Info

July 18, 2012 by sammyhagar
Birthday Bash 2012 Ticketing Info
More images are available below.

Hey Redheads! Just got back from Hawaii, totally exited about rum bash coming up in Vegas. Birthday bash ticket registration is gonna be happening soon too.

More info is posted in News!

Also, check out the cool painting of me by Maui artist Nathalie Boutin! She has a studio here on Maui (808-250-6753), and you can also check out her stuff on

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 9  Redhead Comments

Norine Holder's picture

Help Just got Email for Second Chance B-Days Bash Tickets Registered For the last 3 shows we will be in Cabo the 9th~15th
BUT THE EMAIL SAID THE "FIRST SHOW" ON THE 7th... How can they pick for a show i didn't Register for.. Can someone please help me with Contact INFO... To change this PLEASE!!! I dont know what to do!!! THANK YOU!!!!

CaboKathy's picture

Love the painting!!

chris_scott's picture

Who has the phone number to register for b-day tix since the link doesn't work

lindat018's picture

GREAT TAN! :) lol

dandrocky's picture

Great picture...hoping there is some way a group can win the tickets to the birthday bash!

cutrerp's picture

Cool pic! Her art is just my style.

ktanton's picture

Checked out her site - her wrok is awesome - really cool stuff...saw a couple of prints I would like to purchase...
thanks for sharing Sammy...

azure.s's picture

Sans beard?
It's Sammy as a Hawaiian. He wouldn't be painted in Gauguin's style, otherwise (They call wannabes tur-ons in Jackson Hole WY.)
The picture is an acknowledgement of his transition to "native" status through his demonstration of understanding of culture and humanity in general. This probably involved some tiki sexual ritual I'm unfamiliar with, (I'm laughing), and I'm sure it's very gratifying to Mr. Hagar who has probably helped out the native community of Hawaii for the at least the past two decades.
Love ya Sam

Big bri's picture

We have 5 people total going to cabo and would love to get the dinner tickets which I am assuming is dinner and the show? :) i read up on what happened last year and was wondering if that is the same or if it is changing too? And if we have to register for tickets is it one per person? I have enjoyed your concerts before but never have been to your bar in cabo and its the same bday for my moms 50th! Please let us know so when we are in cabo we can all go.