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no55brando's picture
brando strawn
June 11, 2010
lubbock, buffalo springs lake, texas
February 23

Blog Posts

Sep 9, 2017
Back from Tropical Storm Lidia relief..
Back from Tropical Storm Lidia relief..

Just back from Cabo helping with relief. I spent the first two days working with Casa del Abuelo. We took many dispensas and clothes to the barrio to the left about a mile up the new toll road. Very bad there cause these shacks were washed away cause they live in the river bottom. Then spent two days working with Sheryl Gardner, long time volunteer with Amigos de los Ninos. Also with Brook Donovan from Redrum fishing. We helped put together two areas for kitchens that the families are able to cook meals for over 100 people per day. This is in colonial guerrero below Caribe.

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Aug 28, 2017
13th Annual Baja South Cobra Hunt, Cerritos Beach, B.C.S. Mexico
13th Annual Baja South Cobra Hunt, Cerritos Beach, B.C.S. Mexico

Opening day for Baja South cobra season is Oct. 11th. We hear they will be thick this year. The bus is full this year, but anyone that would like to rent a car and follow the big blue we will depart the Mar de Cortez hotel at 10am. Ten means ten. Also could hire a taxi for the day for around $300. We will arrive the beach club at 10 am, www.cerritosbcs.com and depart back for Cabo at 5pm and arrive the Mar de Cortez hotel at 6pm. Cerritos beach is very easy to find.

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Aug 8, 2017
No mas fumar in la Cabo Wabo Cantina...

Just back from Cabo yesterday. Got to see Los Leones play Saturday night at The Cabo Wabo. They were are awesome. They are the 3 brothers that years ago lots of redheads would go see on the upstairs patio at Casa de Villa. They have been back in town for a few years and play several nights a week the early set at The Jungle bar. Not to be missed while at the bash. There is no more smoking in the outside patio of the Cabo Wabo anymore. Have to go into the parking lot. Don't bother me anymore since this Oct will be 3 years since I have smoked. YAY...

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Sep 28, 2016
12th Annual Baja South Cobra Hunt. Cerritos Beach, B.C.S. Mexico
12th Annual Baja South Cobra Hunt.  Cerritos Beach, B.C.S. Mexico

Oct. 7th. 10 means 10. Back at 6. Bring your cobra clubs.

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Aug 20, 2016
Amigos de los Ninos Bday Bash events
Amigos de los Ninos Bday Bash events

Amigos de los Ninos charity booze cruise will be on Oct. 10th. Time and boat is yet to be determined. Usually around 3 or 4 pm. Tickets can be purchased via paypal, adlncabo@hotmail.com $35.00 plus $2.00 service fee unless you use the friends and family send money option. If tickets are still available the day of, they can be purchased for $40.00 at the dock. More info later. The beach party will be on the 12th from 12 to 5 at Tobasco's bar on Medano beach. Lots of raffle prizes, auctions and some tickets for the birthday show.

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Aug 18, 2016
Cabo football and soccer stadiums.
Cabo football and soccer stadiums.

JUST SAYIN... I have been to these stadiums. Up past Pueblo Bonito Sunset. 2500 seats. Cabo Wabo cantina as 3rd party vendor.....

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Oct 22, 2015
team shaka doobie's bisbee black and blue
team shaka doobie's  bisbee black and blue

look on bisbees.com and root us on. no qualifying fish for us yesterday. bigger better ones today. our new lure has to get the big ones. fueled by pacific beer...

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Sep 30, 2015
11th annual Cerritos beach, B.C.S. cobra hunt
11th annual Cerritos beach, B.C.S. cobra hunt

October 14th is opening day for the 11th annual Baja south cobra hunt. I hear they will be thick this year. Bring your cobra clubs... 10 means 10. Peace, love and hairgrease, adios, Brando...

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Sep 25, 2015
The Giggling Bean
The Giggling Bean
The Giggling Bean
The Giggling Bean

The Giggling Bean was very helpful last year for those helping with clean up of the streets of downtown cabo. Tonya and her staff fed and kept hydrated all those working downtown that they could,for free. So, if possible, stop by and have a cup or a great breakfast that is served there. It is located at the side entrance of The Giggling Marlin. Tonya will be running a "Redhead Special" for 5 bucks during the bash. Eggs, fruit and toast. can't beat it. Stop by and support her and give a big thanks for all they did last year.

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Sep 18, 2015
No Favors
No Favors
No Favors

as for Carla Stead, Cindy Drafahl, Greg and Deb Kelley, Cindy and Frank and myself, we went to Cabo last year to help with whatever we could. We have friends whose houses and neighborhoods in the barrios looked like the ones in the picture. No favors needed, Gracias...

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