Latest Red Rocker News

February 25, 2013
Surprise Visit in Cabo - 02/17/2013

First the Vegas Cantina 3rd Anniversary. Then the TRI Patron Project with Bob Weir and others. But that wasn't enough! Now back to the original Cabo Wabo. Sammy's everywhere and Redheads are lovin' it! Here are a couple of pictures when Sammy jumped on stage with Cabo Uno for a short set of tunes, surprising fans lucky enough to be in Mexico. Check out what one Redhead wrote about the amazing experience at

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February 12, 2013
WIN A TRIP to Rock 'N' Roll Fantasy Camp to JAM, RECORD, REHEARSE and PERFORM with SAMMY HAGAR!

Update - February 25, 2013

The winner has been chosen. Congratulations to Reggie Marsh! To check out the winning submission go to

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February 10, 2013
Sammy Hagar Rocks the Final Night of Cabo Wabo Cantina's Third Anniversary Celebration with Free Performance


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February 04, 2013
Vegas Cabo Wabo Cantina Ready for Its 3rd Anniversary

Here's a reminder about the Vegas Cabo Wabo Cantina's 3rd Anniversary festivities this week. Cabo Uno will be playing the 7th and 8th and on the 9th Sammy will jump up on stage with the band for a few songs. If you are interested in getting in on Saturday wrist bands will be handed out on a first come first serve basis that morning at 8 am. The Cantina will be open for breakfast for any Redheads that want to stick around and socialize.

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February 01, 2013
Sammy Offers Safe Haven to Kimmel after Damon Takeover

Hey Jimmy - Getting punked by the Good Will Hunter Matt F#$@% Damon was *not* cool! I got your back, brother! I'm comin cross the street with a safe haven for you with drinks and tacos (and security) any time.

Cabo Wabo Cantina Hollywood opening March 2013 (across the street from Jimmy Kimmel Live)

Check out the video here:

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