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2017 birthday bash ticket pickup
Ajclarkja's picture
Last seen: 2 years 28 weeks ago
Joined: 2017-02-26

First time being picked for tickets so I'm curious how it works. For those that have been before, when you go to the will call window to get your armbands for the show do they put them on you then or just give them to you to put on yourself later? I'm asking because the window opens at 2 but the doors don't open until 7 so potentially 5 hours of trying not to frick up the arm band.
I'm sure I'll be drinking so.....you know

When to line up? Wrist bands
gregh087's picture
Last seen: 17 weeks 4 days ago
Joined: 2010-06-10
When to line up? Wrist bands

In the past I've lined up early between 3-5 pm, because I wanted to be in the front row. How close do you want to be ? Some people like to be in the back, where the air is flowing & cooler. It all depends where you want to be. As far as the wrist bands go they are durable ! They do put the bands on you when you receive the bands after you have shown your I.D ( no exceptions). Don't be stupid and drink alcohol all day and then stand in a hot room for hours...you'll never see the show because the heat will knock you on your a$$. I know this from experience and I was horizontal at one show....still a funny but sore spot. Drink, drink water I cannot express this enough. Have fun and enjoy the show !!!

I have same question
wbcollet's picture
Last seen: 7 years 8 weeks ago
Joined: 2017-05-23
I have same question

This will be my first birthday bash. Do people line up early for wristbands then get in line for the show? I'm not sure what to expect and am wondering what times I need to start waiting in lines to get the best spot inside.