Cherokee, NC. Nov. 9,2017 That's What Dreams Are Made Of!

I had a near nervous breakdown last night when I checked into my room at the front desk and walked around the corner to get on the elevator when guess who walked off? SAMMY! I threw my purse and bags down on the floor in front of him and teared up like a crazy woman (not Beatles mania or Elvis crazy) because I just couldn't believe this happened to me so randomly. I was like "NO!" He laughed and said, "Yes, come here, you deserve a hug." lol. He was so kind and gracious. He took photos with us, and I took photos of him and Mike from 2004 with me to the show and was able to make my way to the front to get them both signed. I'm still in Red Rocker heaven. My husband and mother couldn't believe how kind and down to Earth he seemed; and we've met A LOT of celebrities, including EVH. To me, he was exactly how I had always imagined he'd be. He's always given off that really nice guy vibe.
A thousand things had to line up perfectly in the stars for him to be getting off the elevator as I was waiting for one. Literally, a traffic jam due to a wreck or some sort of roadwork, a detour we tried to take that lead to a dead-end and then back to the traffic jam that was suddenly gone; a problem with being booked into the wrong room and dealing with it at the front desk. Literally having to stand there and make a decision which room to now take. Had I chosen the other room, I would've gone the opposite direction to the other side to a different tower with a different elevator. I really just wish he had caught me after I did my hair and changed my clothes lol!
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2 Redhead Comments
LUCKY! How cool!
I was so impressed with his humbleness towards his fans, it totally gave me new respect for Sammy ♡