Fan Blogs

August 09, 2018 by Garuda78 
Marching To Mars

You know it's weird. I've been a fan of Sammy Hagar since my cousin snuck me into a Van Halen concert years and years ago. And from the first time I heard Sam's voice scream "Hello Baaaaaaaby!" I was hooked.

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August 09, 2018 by CaboNFall 
Redhead Challenge!!!!!
Redhead Challenge!!!!!

Hello!! That time of year where we all get ready to head down to Cabo for the Birthday Bash and once again I would like challenge each of you to bring a suitcase of kids clothes and/or shoes to help the people in the Barrios. Once again we will be going out and passing the stuff out to them. We will meet in the Playa Grande lobby Thursday Oct 11th at 830am to head out! Even if you can't make the trip out to the barrios, please bring a suitcase and I will get it where it needs to be!! Last year we had 43 suitcases we took out and this year I already have 20 filled myself.

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August 06, 2018 by thatzumbaguy 
Booze Cruise 2018 Info Please

Once again a TFR (true f-ing redhead) gets crapped on by this bullshit ticket scam. So, my big party will be the
Booze Cruise. Any information or whereabouts of my great friend Carla or Brando?
Can't wait.

Carolina Rob

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August 06, 2018 by NWredhead 
Seeking Tickets - Birthday Bash --- Oct 11th or Oct 13th

Seeking tickets for BBash Oct 11th or 13th


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August 01, 2018 by Ingrid France 
Birthday bash

When do tix go on sale for 2019 birthday bash in cabo??

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