Fan Blogs

July 07, 2010 by bb5150 
My CABO Book
My CABO Book

Here is a CABO book my wife and I assembled -

Cheers! MAS TEQUILA!!!

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July 07, 2010 by pentaloupe58 
Paso Show

Yay - got my ticks to see Sammy at the Paso fair 7/24!

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July 07, 2010 by slymer67 
Counting down time til Cabo

Will be there 10/9 - 10/16. Have been there every year but since back surgery I haven't been able to stand through a show - last show was 10/2007 for me. Hoping I can do it this year!

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July 06, 2010 by kentucky redhead 
the foot stomped on me aug. 30 2009 in atlanta
the foot stomped on me aug. 30 2009 in atlanta

had a blast cant wait to see the foot stomp again

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July 06, 2010 by redrealtor5150 
Naperville Ribfest

It was a Blast! .... B4 and after that ogre of a security guard pinned me against the center fence and started swearing at me and told me to get the F&^% out of here a few times and also threatened to put me in jail if he saw my camera again. Funny how everyone else was filming for youtube,etc. I was about 16th row center left right as the 2nd song started when this happened. I know a bunch of you redheads saw it going on - hope you can help me out here and get this bum reported. Thanks.

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