Fan Blogs

December 20, 2010 by KLRed 
DirectTV Show 12-18

Recorded the Moondance Jam shown on DirectTV 12-18. Sammy and Wabos rocked as always. I now have my own recording to watch all the time when I need a Sammy fix. This is great!

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December 19, 2010 by 
WinStar 12/18/10
WinStar 12/18/10

December 19, 2010
WinStar show12/18/10 Graet Show, just wished it would have been longer! Sammy didnt play Heavy Metal, little disappointed with that.

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December 19, 2010 by tammer37 
sammy at the winstar
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December 18, 2010 by redcabo7 
Merry Christmas!

Sammy, Wabos and /|\ ...Thank you for giving to us all year round. Each concert I see, each song I hear and each article I read takes me to my own little place. You put life into perspective in how to have fun, relax and forget. Thank you! Peace and Merry Christmas to all of you and your families. See you in 2011…

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December 16, 2010 by tmacdaddy 
Good Times

The first time I saw the Red Rocker was at the Texxas Jam in 1983. I rode with my friends in a old 70 Chevelle from Oklahoma City to Dallas. It was a bad ass event with Styx, Triumph, Ted Nugent, and
Uriah Heep in the Cotton Bowl. I made it to a couple of VanHagar concerts in the late 80s that were great. We use to have concerts at All Sports Stadium (old 89er ball park) at the Oklahoma City fairgrounds before they made it a parking lot. I took my girlfriend now wife Dawna on her birthday to see Sammy. It was a killer time from what I can remember. Mas Tequila

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