Fan Blogs

March 23, 2011 by dawnd039 
book signing in roseville, ca.

for the people who live in Nevada who were going to the book signing event but may not be able to make it cause of the "storm", will Sammy be doing a book signing in Tahoe b4 the show?

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March 23, 2011 by DragonTBear 
Howdy! ... my thoughts of the book.

First off ... I'm a different kind of fan.

I'm a home-body. I don't drink alcohol. I've never done ANY drugs EVER. (ya .. many might call me a computer geek).

I'm 46 but I've only been to 5 actual concerts in my whole life. Two of them to see Sammy. But I buy (and listen) to TONS of music.

I 1st heard Sammy on the radio (KZAP) in 1982. It was "Can't Get Loose" (from Standing Hampton). STILL my favorite song. I bought that album, fell in love with it, bought every other earlier album, fell in love with them. .. and bought everything since.

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March 23, 2011 by whitezombie 

i truely am impressed.CHICKENFOOT WWWOOOWWW!!!!!never really a fan of sammy though when i heard montrose i loved them thats been recently yeah i know kinda in a fog for awhile but im more of a heavy metal speed metal person and not really into band names and who they that limits my perception and keeps me in the dark and nieve to what and who are the bands i listen too.that said,im a subscriber to sirius and have been a regular listener to the lithium channel red hot chilli peppers rite oh...go chad...and the boneyard where obviously sammy is played van halen montrose so heard some stu

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March 23, 2011 by CABOMIGHK 
Great new Sammy video interview!!!!
Great new Sammy video interview!!!!

This is an awesome video! Sammy answering a few text messages for Rolling Stone. Check it out!!!!!


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March 22, 2011 by tombstone 
thanks for sharing your story with us

hi sammy i just finished your book and i must say you have been the brains in all your projects i saw you in toronto in 1986 with van halen it was one of the concerts that stands out in my life so far i hope i get a chance to see you again sometime . fun book to read thanks for sharing with us .thats all for now keep rockin

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