Fan Blogs

September 19, 2011 by kima097 
Columbus Ohio show!

Sammy & the Wabos were awsome Saturday night! To me it seamed that they didn't play as long as 3 Doors Down. It looked like everyone on stage had a good time! Did anyone who had a floor seat have a problem w/ the security gaurds? I know they were just trying to do their jobs but, they wouldn't even let us up close enough to the stage to get our banner up there.Of course they wouldn't throw the banner on stage because they weren't allowed. :(

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September 19, 2011 by jessica_146 
Saw Sammy for the first time.

It was amazing!!! The only part of the concert that I would have to say was not good was the space between bands was way too long. 45 mins between each band meant that I wasn't able to stay for the full show of Sammy. Had to leave Columbus by midnight to get to my sitter's by 2 am. I leave 2 hrs south of Columbus. He is a great singer and entertainer.

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September 18, 2011 by ginab0105 
Columbus Show Kicked Ass!

Well after sending in my video won stage tickets for the show and what a show it was. Sammy and the wabos kicked ass as usual and there is nothing like being onstage with them. I tell ya even had a fight with a guy onstage over both of us being frustrated at other people and then in turn getting in a tif with each other. Well per that wonderful thing we all know as facebook he found me today and was still extremely frustrated and I fully understood why. I messaged back and apologized and once he opened up and listened to my frustrations as well we messaged back and forth a few times.

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September 18, 2011 by lovesummers 
Nationwide Arena: Columbus, OH 9/17/11
Nationwide Arena:  Columbus, OH 9/17/11
Nationwide Arena:  Columbus, OH 9/17/11

Awesome show, Sammy! I was one of the lucky on-stage winners. What a fantastic show! Great party! The whole night was like a dream, and it ended with a kiss from Sammy! I go to get a drink, come back, and get pulled back from walking up to the risers. I look up, and there is Sammy IN THE RISERS! I thought... oh, man, I would HAVE to pick now to go get some water. (I was parched.) So there I stood watching Sammy have a good time right in my spot on the risers. Then all of a sudden... here he comes! Right at me! He stopped right in front of me! I smile, and thought..

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September 18, 2011 by Livin it Up 
Columbus Ohio

Awesome Show Sammy!! Took a couple of Sammy virgins with us and they ended up being Sammy whores like the rest of us by the end of the show!!!!

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