Fan Blogs

July 25, 2012 by Hot 5150 Teach 
Just wondering.......??

How many people are going to register twice for b-day bash tickets in hopes that their name will get called at least ONCE?? I know this sounds crazy, but others must have had this idea as well. Will there be a forum for all of us that end up with extra tickets so we can post this info? You realize that there is only ONE name on the tickets, and if people end up with 4 tickets that originally only wanted 2 they could "share" (wink, wink) with others.......Am I the only ones seeing it this way especially for the ones that have already booked the trip and don't get tickets??

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July 25, 2012 by Tomigriffin 
The RED JUMP suit
The RED JUMP suit
The RED JUMP suit
The RED JUMP suit

As promised pictures from the height of my REDHEADED days. This was 1984 on a trip to Ashland Shakespeare Festival with my BFF (the ultra-conservative at the time boyfriend whom wouldn't let me hang at the Rock-N-Roll clubs in LA). We are still BFFs and I just saw him last weekend and told him next time I visit LA he MUST take me to the Whiskey or Roxy. Any ole ways, I cringe at these photos that should have been burned long ago, but that would be cheating. Once again, I thought I looked hot at the time. I had a cape! And the infamous RED jump suit.

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July 24, 2012 by rrguitarz new site new site
Check out the originals!

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July 24, 2012 by cabobrian 
Bash cofirmation?

I have seen posts on Facebook about confirmation emails being sent out after registering for tickets to the birthday bash. Is that true? And since I did not receive an email does that mean I need to register again? Thank you.

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July 23, 2012 by Team horizontal 
here we come the big 50 this year rockn cabo
here we come  the big 50 this year  rockn cabo
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