I believe I have the perfect rum drink which I have investigated having it bottled for years.
Let me know if you're interested.
Hey when are the B'day bash tickets going to be released to all of us Redheads?!
Hey Redheads; we're all getting closer to our Sammy fix. 16 more days and a wake up until we're in Cabo. We are so looking forward to partying with all you Redheads and making new friends. See ya all soon in Cabo
FDIC...Mas Tequila
Later Jeff
It’s amazing riding the Sammy Hagar wave of enlightenment. I was wrapped up in another world for so long that my Redhead cells lie dormant. Hibernating in the same way my “I Dream of Jeanie†obsession lie sleeping until I semi-recently analyzed my bedroom décor.
How many other Redheads from Seattle leave for Cabo on the 6th? What say we start the party on the plane?
FDIC 2012
Mas Tequila Redheads