Fan Blogs

March 07, 2013 by Reinhardt's Mot... 
RED ROCKER is going to Daytona for the show.
RED ROCKER is going to Daytona for the show.
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March 07, 2013 by Handsup70 
2013 Birthday Bash

This year I'm making the trek to Cabo. My first of many to come I hope with my girlfriend. We are going the week of Sammy's b-day and I am looking to buy, sign up for the drawing, etc. in order to score tickets to his party.

Can't find any 2013 news.. Does anybody know anything about this year's bash yet?

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March 04, 2013 by Blaze 
Getting Ready for Cabo

Well the wife and I got tired of looking and so this past weekend we booked our October trip to Cabo. Staying at the Riu Santa Fe again
(what a party last year) In on the 5th of Oct. and out on the 12th. Looking forward to doing some partying with and meeting more Red Heads. Till then LATER

FDIC 2013 style

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March 03, 2013 by 302_Boss_Chick 
Asking for a litte Redlove my friends!! Please take a minute to read...
Asking for a litte Redlove my friends!!  Please take a minute to read...

I am posting this on behalf of my good friend and fellow Redhead Ron Crowe and his great-niece Jessica who you see pictured with Sammy above. There is a link at the end of this post that I'd like you to take a moment to visit to read about Jessica's story. I know Ron is too modest to come here and ask for help, but he's such a great guy and we've already received such a huge Redhead response over on Facebook, I thought I'd come here and spread the word for him.

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March 01, 2013 by Reinhardt's Mot... 
Red Rocker for sale!! All Profits going to charity of Sammy Hagars choice! Hope he signs the bike for the lucky new owner
Red Rocker for sale!! All Profits going to charity of Sammy Hagars choice! Hope he signs the bike for the lucky new owner

Go to for more information.

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