Fan Blogs

May 06, 2014 by goseegee 
Americas cup and Sammy - couldn't get better than this!
Americas cup and Sammy - couldn't get better than this!
Americas cup and Sammy - couldn't get better than this!
Americas cup and Sammy - couldn't get better than this!

Great venue, great sound, great weather and Sammy. oxoxoxo

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May 06, 2014 by goseegee 
Love Sammy at Lake Tahoe

Excellent show, as always! Also, watched Aaron a bit at the cantina. He is fantastic!

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May 05, 2014 by russc1164 
Another fine show...
Another fine show...
Another fine show...

Went to both shows... awesome experience! Sammy was flawless. The only unfortunate part was when someone swiped my hat. That hat was from the Konocti Harbor show in 2008. I did not expect a fellow Redhead to do something like that... but that will not lessen this experience. I was with 8 of my closest friends from all over the states for these shows. Thank you for another fine show Sammy!

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May 05, 2014 by rickgaley 
St. Louis show, July 19
St. Louis show, July 19
St. Louis show, July 19
St. Louis show, July 19
St. Louis show, July 19

My daughter is a huge Sammy Hagar fan. Our local community had a bike decorating contest. She decided to go with a Red Rocker theme. She won 2nd place! I'm so proud of my little 8 year old Redhead! I got her tickets to the July 19th show in St. Louis, I haven't told her yet, it is a birthday gift. She will be 9 on June 2nd. She is going to be really surprised, she has been on me to get tickets. I told her that I haven't been able to get any.

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May 04, 2014 by Sam'sMyMan 
Sam's The Man

Once again Sammy brought down the house. The acoustic beginning was a nice intro to the his usual hard rocking, high energy set. Love that he heard his fans cries for more "Van-Hagar", in addition to his classics. He is truly a legend in his own time, and continues to grow as a performer/songwriter still. The world will never know a more humble,generous,and amazing artistic genius as Sammy Hagar. That my friends, is why he has such a following of devoted fans.

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