Fan Blogs

July 08, 2014 by SGT68 
Cabo bash

Well this being my first time I thought it would be prudent to reserve my room for the annual B day bash. I didn't realize how the tickets would be disrtibuted until after the fact. I registered for the random drawing and guess I didn't get mine. Any suggestions besides party in the streets?

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July 08, 2014 by cnbrooks 
Beyond Excited

I was really bummed out this weekend when everyone was posting they got their notifications for the Birthday Bash and I didn't get one. Just happened to check my email this morning and WE HAVE TICKETS FOR NIGHT 4! Beyond excited!

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July 07, 2014 by kencobra 
Just got picked today for 10/13

My brother just got notified today at 6 pm that we are going to the 10/13 show. Maybe there still us hope for those who have not heard yet.

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July 07, 2014 by Ckujath 
Bday bash

So we didn't get tickets. Can you get them one you arrive to cabo or is this it??? Seems peoe got 2 nights while some of us got none... Kinda stinks!

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July 07, 2014 by kfecher 
Second chance for BDAY BASH?

We had the fortunate chance of winning tickets a few years back, and when we won extra, we turned ours back in so someone could have a chance with the second chance drawing. Fast forward to this year, we saved up enough money to come back, flights booked & paid, room booked & paid, but no ticket email:( The week we were there, we hung out at the bar across the street and saw the same people going every night, how does that happen? PLEASE second chance be coming!!!

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