Fan Blogs

August 14, 2014 by vallejouic 

Well admin. It is getting real close to the Tahoe show. 2 more days. I hope you passed onto Sammy about playing eagles fly for jaycie bertuzzi our daughter that lost her life a few months ago in an accident. Eagles fly takes us to that place with her. Hearing it live now would have so much meaning. If not we will be at nite 3 in cabo. Please pass this on admin.....

Jim & Kris Bertuzzi

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August 14, 2014 by Monte and Alison 
Sammy & Monte
Sammy & Monte

This show made me want to be a better rocker. Went home sold my Vox & Marshall Guitar amps. Bought a new BlackStar series one amp. After all these years of suffering with a shitty sound!! Rock will never die now.
My band mates want to know what I'm all juiced up on. I told them we got to get some Sammy in the mix.
And so we through in a couple of Montrose-Van Halen-Chickenfoot and just Sam the man in the mix.

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August 14, 2014 by cabowabodunc 
2014 booze cruise
2014 booze cruise

does anybody know if there is a booze cruise organised this year or any other adln events?????

peace and mas tequila

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August 06, 2014 by redrocker327 
Airfare to Cabo

I need some input on airfare from Richmond. I am currently pulling prices of around $700 to $850 a person. Does anybody know of a website to find it cheaper.

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August 03, 2014 by jeffp4 
awesome show

The show I went to at AC. in New jerey is not shown. The concert was awesome . Had a great time . The music sound so great. Hope you come back . Keep on rocking Sammy

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