Fan Blogs

October 01, 2014 by redrocker327 
Las Vegas Hotel

Hello Fellow Redrockers,
I am looking to book my hotel for the show on the 18th. I have been scouring the hotel websites, but thought I would post something here to see where others are staying.

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October 01, 2014 by CaboNFall 
Give to Live

How about an acoustic version of this with proceeds going to Cabo Hurricane relief????

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October 01, 2014 by kathy_matejcek@... 
Las Vegas ... here we come!!!!!!!!!!!!

Can't wait to celebrate with the Red Rocker!!!! Thanks for giving us the chance to join you in Las Vegas on October 18th!!! Can't wait!

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September 27, 2014 by vallejouic 
Eagles Fly in Vegas

Hey Sammy... We are back again... Now that venue has changed just wanted to hit u up again... We've been asking for Eagles fly in CABO on NITE three for our daughter Jaycie Bertuzzi that we lost way too young (21).. .. We changed everything to Vegas so hopefully you can play it for us... Her... C U all in Vegas!!!!!

Jim & Kris Bertuzzi

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September 27, 2014 by mollycow 
Birthday Bash

It would have been so nice if Sammy would have honored the tickets for next year's Cabo birthday bash for those of us who can't drop everything at a moment's notice and fly to Vegas. I'm so disappointed that this wasn't an option. I mean, what would it really hurt? I lost my vacation time because my vacation was in Cabo, and the dates were based on the date of the birthday bash for which I won in the lottery. It really wouldn't have hurt to offer that as an option, would it? Been a fan of Sammy forever. Just went to the performance at the Tulalip.

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