Fan Blogs

February 23, 2016 by durge71 
Tahoe Wabo Tickets

Hey Sammy and crew we are coming up on that time of year to start preparing for the annual Tahoe Wabo concerts in May at Harrah's. Some of us are curious if any dates have been set yet and when the pre sale tickets will be available.
We're ready to start making our reservations and plans so any info you can release would be sincerely appreciated. Thanks for your time.
P.S. I hope you have an old school show again with stage tickets for us bleacher bums!!! Keep doing that voodoo that you do!

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February 23, 2016 by durge71 
Tahoe Wabo Tickets

Hey Sammy and crew we are coming up on that time of year to start preparing for the annual Tahoe Wabo concerts in May at Harrah's. Some of us are curious if any dates have been set yet and when the pre sale tickets will be available.
We're ready to start making our reservations and plans so any info you can release would be sincerely appreciated. Thanks for your time.
P.S. I hope you have an old school show again with stage tickets for us bleacher bums!!! Keep doing that voodoo that you do!

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February 23, 2016 by durge71 
Tahoe Wabo Tickets

Hey Sammy and crew we are coming up on that time of year to start preparing for the annual Tahoe Wabo concerts in May at Harrah's. Some of us are curious if any dates have been set yet and when the pre sale tickets will be available.
We're ready to start making our reservations and plans so any info you can release would be sincerely appreciated. Thanks for your time.
P.S. I hope you have an old school show again with stage tickets for us bleacher bums!!! Keep doing that voodoo that you do!

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February 18, 2016 by Charger69 
when is Sammy going to be at Cabo Wabo in Oct for his birthday bash
when is Sammy going to be at Cabo Wabo in Oct for his birthday bash

Trying to find out what weekend Sammy will hold his annual birthday bash at Cabo so I can plan my vacation that weekend.

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February 09, 2016 by Stonebaldhead 
Balance...Brilliant to Legendary

Sammy Hagar is my favorite rock n' roll singer of all time. Van Hagar is my favorite version of Van Halen by a country mile. Balance is possibly my favorite Van Hagar album with OU812 a near tie.

From Sammy's book and his recent comments commemorating the 21st anniversary of Balance, we fans now understand the storm clouds that were hovering during the recording of this album and during the ensuing tour. I saw Van Halen three times on the Balance tour, and to my eye, the guys were bringing it and I saw no real signs of animosity.

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