Fan Blogs

August 31, 2016 by katann 
Anyone win 3rd round tickets that can help me

I received an e-mail Sunday the 28th at 5 am EST, saying I won but words itself as if 1st drawing yes there is a ticketfly link too.. did any 3rd round winners get an e-mail like this?? I just need to make sure Its not some hoax I am going through a divorce and cant afford to be taken. I put my e-mail in the check winner link and says I am not.

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August 30, 2016 by Montiki 
places to stay in Cabo for birthday bash 2016

Can anyone help me out? Is there a "better" place to book and stay at in Cabo for this years birthday bash? Ive never been to Cabo and any advise would be greatly appreciated.

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August 29, 2016 by debrac066 
birthday bash 2016

well 3rd round bday bash ticket lottery seems to have left me without tickets. I am bummed !! Cabo will happen with or without tickets !!I'm looking forward to seeing my redhead family <3

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August 29, 2016 by sm2112 
3rd Chance Drawing??

Just wondering if anyone has received a notification on the 3rd chance drawings?

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August 29, 2016 by Jackie Glover 
3rd Chance Drawing Closed 2 Early

My sister went to register for the 3rd chance drawing yesterday and it was closed. The email sent to us said registration was until 4-28-16 at 9pm PT. We went on at 1pm and it said closed. Anyone know what is going on or what happened? Nothing is on the facebook page either???

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