Fan Blogs

September 05, 2017 by heathmac66 
Donations for the Cabo Community after Lidia

I would love for all of us Readheads to give back to the people of Los Cabos. It would be amazing if we all can bring down an extra suitcase of clothing, bedding, footwear and towels for the community. Let's clean out our closets folks! Can the Cantina maybe rally and set up a drop off location at the Cantina for all of us coming for the Birthday Bash? We trust you to find a way to get these items to the people who lost everything! #cabostrong Just a thought! Peace all!

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September 03, 2017 by kcrules69 
Going to the Bash Check Your Hotel

If your going to the birthday bash check your hotel, many problems in Cabo after the Tropical Storm, check the net and your hotel for info.
Good Luck..

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September 02, 2017 by MikeARMSTRONG 
Los Cabos tropical storm

Hello fellow REDHEADS just wanted to here some imput on the recent storm that hit Los Cabos . To all that was there when the hurricane hit there years ago what was the best plan? Hope they get it cleaned up and ready to go for all of us Birthday Bashers....

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September 01, 2017 by silott 
Tropical Storm Lidia

Watching webcasts and seeing pictures of the devastation in Cabo. Praying for the safety of the friends I've met during each of my visits and the great staff of Cabo Wabo. Was just there a few weeks ago!

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September 01, 2017 by MOTLEYBRUE 

Hey folks,

First time BDBers here. I am an over planner and get a lil OCD with places I've never been. Especially when you hear things from people that most likely complain about everything.

We need y'alls opinion...

We are staying at the Marriott FairField Inn...Good choice??

We are renting a car...Good choice?? (we do have insurance on it)

Is the any parking for the venue?

is it OK to walk the 17 minute walk from our hotel to the cantina??? Day or night??

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