Latest Red Rocker News

June 05, 2015
Cabo Dates are announced!

There has been a lot of speculation whether or not the annual birthday bash will be in Vegas or Cabo. Let me make it clear that Vegas was a temporary substitute due to the hurricane. Everything is back to normal with the same dates as always October 7, 9, 11, 13 and a few surprises in between. 

Will let everyone know ASAP when tickets will go on sale.  

~ Sammy 

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May 19, 2015
Acoustic-4-A-Cure 2015

Friday we threw another epic Acoustic-4-A-Cure benefit concert at a killer SF venue - The Masonic Theatre. I wasn't sure we'd be able to top it in our 2nd year but man did we ever!  When James and I envisioned this we knew what we didn't want it to be - another stuffy charity  event that you walked away feeling bummed out about.  It's awesome to see that we've created the opposite - it's as big a party for the artists on stage as it is for the fans!

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May 14, 2015
Acoustic-4-A-Cure Rehearsal

Rehearsal for Acoustic-4-A-Cure was amazing with Jerry Cantrell, James Hetfeld, Joe satriani, Chad Smith, Vic Johnson and myself. (along with some musicians to accompany us individually). It's going to be a night of some spectacular duets the way it shaping up now. Big surprises this year and for an amazing cause. We want to thank everyone in advance for their support!

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May 10, 2015
Cinqo de Tahoe de Wabos!

The pics say it all. I lost my voice early on like the beginning of the show ha ha. Not funny. The Redheads saved me again. The show actually was unbelievable – one of my favorites ever because of the fans and the Wabos lifetime dedication and commitment to the party and the music. I'm extremely happy with tonight's show even though it may be in the top three of my worst vocal abilities ever but I must say there were some magical moments that were in the top three best ever as well!!! Love love love them Redheads.

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May 07, 2015
Sammy Hagar and Starkey Hearing Foundation Join Forces in Cabo


May is "Better Hearing and Speech" month, so this is a great time to raise awareness about hearing loss as well as for people to hear Sammy talk about the transformative process people go through when their hearing is restored. 

Seeing these kids' faces' light up is just the most amazing experience. Throughout the day it took some getting used to, but once I started, we just were rolling! 

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