Latest Red Rocker News

May 08, 2003


Your copy of Sammy and the Wabo's LIVE


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May 06, 2003
Sammy on Rockline!

Sammy will be on Rockline

Wednesday May 14th 2003

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March 24, 2003
On Stage Tickets for the Tuscan Show

Hey Red Heads listen up! 

The Tuscon show on April 30, 2003 On Stage Tickets

at $200.00 per ticket *with a limit of 2 per person* 

go on sale March 25, 2003 at 9:00 a.m. P.S.T.

Check it out! I'm so excited that I'm throwing in a special "On stage fun addicts" 

T-shirt just because you Red Heads Rule!!  Check the website daily............

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March 12, 2003
Tickets Online

Hey Red Heads,

This is it!  I know you have waited a long time for this and here it is. 

The exclusive Red Head experience:

You will now be able to purchase online tickets to MY shows, 

(limit of 2 per customer) you will have on stage accommodations in my 

new enlarged stage.  These tickets will allow you to be on stage with myself & 

the Waborita’s during the show and have Golden Circle tickets for the other acts. 

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March 02, 2003
Spring Break in Cabo

Sammy and the Waboritas will be in Cabo performing several shows

during  SPRING Break! If you're going to be in Cabo San Lucas for some fun in the

sun during March 17-24, bring your sunscreen and stop by the Cabo Wabo Cantina

and catch a show or two!

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