Latest Red Rocker News

February 22, 2011
RED Book Signings & Appearances Announced

We have just launched the official page for Sammy's new book RED: My Uncensored Life In Rock. This page lists links to pre-order the book as well as the latest book signings and guest appearances. Over the next few week look for upcoming exclusive sneak peaks, behind the scene video interviews, as well as other cool stuff. Stay tuned!

Go to the Book Page now!

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February 18, 2011 Store Coming Soon

Hey Redheads! Just a head up - we are excited to let you know that we
will be launching the new store this coming March 2011.
Initially the store will have a collection of 2010 tour season
merchandise, but we have plans to add other stuff too as we get into
Spring. We will also have monthly specials that will offer up for sale
some great out of production and hard to find items. So stay tuned!

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January 28, 2011
Happy New Year Redheads

Happy New Year Redheads,
Here we go again. Made any New Year's resolutions? I have. Mine is: Don't work so damn hard. Hello? Already blown that one. 1)Got my book coming out in March and I've gotta work on that. 2)The movie is almost ready so that's more work. 3)This year The Wabos will be in Louisiana, Mississippi, Texas, Ohio, Tahoe of course. Oh, did I forget we will be in Mexico sometime in the fall? Working vacation there, amigo. And we are playing some place else, I can't remember, but I'll let you know. 4)Finally starting a Chickenfoot record this week. But I can't really call that work 'cause when Chad and Mike and Joe are around it's so damn good, so much fun, so soulful, basically playing the's good work when you can get it. When the Foot gets a track done we will put something on, so check us out...


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December 29, 2010
What an Amazing Year!


What an amazing year this has been! Let's review, Chickenfoot in Cabo and Tahoe, Aerosmith this summer, and a very very memorable Birthday Bash. Where the Wabos rockin' or what? Thanks to all of you for coming to this endless party.

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December 23, 2010 Confirms Autobiography

You have all been hearing the rumors and would like to officially confirm that Sammy Hagar is releasing the Autobiography "Red - My Uncensored Life in Rock" on March 15, 2011 through Harper Collins.

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