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May 17, 2011
A True Music Lover - Carter (1946 - 2011)


Last week I lost a manager, a friend, a cowriter, & a producer. But most of all Carter was a fan of fans – a true Redhead. He cowrote the song "Red" with me and was the kind of guy who would have been in that line sleeping on the sidewalk. He was a true music lover.

I miss him.

Click here to read Carter's Obituary

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May 13, 2011
Carter (1946 - 2011)

Carter, the legendary A&R man, producer, songwriter, manager, and lifelong fighter for songs with proper bridges (and, where possible, proper nouns) died on May 10 in Palm Springs. He was 65.

Born John S. Carter in East St. Louis, Illinois, he grew up moving around the West and Midwest, the only child of an oilman and an indefatigable Arthur Godfrey fan.

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May 03, 2011
'Go There Once Be There Twice' Wins Award at Lake Arrowhead Film Festival

Sammy's new documentary, 'Go There Once Be There Twice', won the coveted June Lockhart Special Achievement In Film Award at the recent Lake Arrowhead Film Festival on April 16, 2011. Accepting the award from June are Kari, Kama and Samantha Hagar.

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March 29, 2011
What a ride!

I thought my right hand was going to fall off. I signed that many books in the last two weeks. Literally thousands and thousands. Some of you were there in NYC, St Louis, LA... I love my Redheads. So great that so many of you came out to get the book signed. Not so great that so many eBay sellers were so rude and pushy and made it so hard for the real fans who were respecting each other and following the rules. Everywhere at all the bookstores there were awkward incidents that were so embarrassing to me. If you are someone who had a bad experience I am truly sorry.

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March 17, 2011
Book Signing Expectations

Hey Redheads, we've been hearing that some of you have ended up a little disappointed after the book signing events. You know that Sammy loves you all and is very upset to hear this. Unfortunately, we can't control the book signing events like our usual Meet & Greets so all he has time to do is say "hi" and sign your book. As much as Sammy would love to have a personal moment with each and everyone of you the line has to move as quickly as possible to be fair to all of the Redheads who show up.

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