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It was 1985...
otter's picture
Last seen: 3 years 47 weeks ago
Joined: 2021-03-28

I was in high school. My friend Jeff had a 1969 fastback Ford Mutang. That thing was mean, it smoked, I think there was a hole in the muffler, it was always in danger of running out of gas, but when Jeff stomped on the pedal, that car took the heck off.

We were on lunch break, Jeff and about five of us piled into that car to head to the burger joint in town.

That was the first time I ever heard "Cruzin and Boozin" by Sammy Hagar. Jeff had it cranked so loud that the ratty speakers in the Mustang would blow out every few seconds and my left ear would hurt for the rest of the day. We got our burgers and had some laughs eating them sitting at a picnic table in the shade of a tree.

We were young, stupid, and had no idea about what life was going to be like. At the time, the song Cruzin and Boozin seemed like encouragement to go out and raise hell. It was rebellious, it was loud, it was fun.

I'm a lot older now. I was thinking about that song and listened to it today. It now seems like a snapshot of a young man enjoying life free of the claptrap that clutters my mind. It seems pure and unpolluted by the concerns of so called "adult" life. Most of all I suppose, it brings me back to that day sitting in the shade eating a burger with my ears ringing. I smell the pine trees and hear the birds.

I don't know if Mr. Hagar reads this blog, but if he does. Sir -- thank you! I owe you one for that very fine memory.

I think I'm going to go have a burger. To hell with the high blood pressure.