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7 owners of Red Rocker Bikes /Red on over ...
Red Rocker Rider's picture
Last seen: 3 years 13 weeks ago
Joined: 2017-06-16
Hi all— I’ve posted a few times regarding my quest for a Red Rocker Bicycle ... ... since that post .. have befriended a fellow owner , now a bRotheR, as we formed a band of bRotheR’s with these bikes ...and soon to be sisteR’s I’m sure . (I’ve got four daughters and raised by my Grandma , giRLs ROck.) Please , when you have time (as I have continuously and graciously invited the web designer to take a look as well) And witness the journey of “The Mag 7even” Red Rocker owners as well as a very close estimation and account of the remaining. Hope to meet you all soon . chRistopheR heathcoat