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2018 Reunion Concert
Iamstiksf's picture
Last seen: 7 years 6 days ago
Joined: 2018-02-26

March 24th Reunion Concert

Sammy, I've been following you for 45 years and I've seen every show from Oakland to Seattle and in between. I remember your Trans Am on stage back in the 80s. I ve seen all your van Hagar and I think you were the best thing out of those four. Sure Eddy can play guitar? This reunion concert ticket price is really too hard for me to meet. But I really want to see you get the Walk of Fame.

I live in the tenderloin and collect disability SSI. If you can find it in your heart to bless me with a ticket so I don't have to fly a sign outside of the concert which I've done many times. I just don't see anybody giving up a ticket.

So to the Red Rocker please bless me, amen.

The Stik,