Past Event

Jul 2 1999
Universal Amphitheatre
Universal City, California


Sammy Hagar and The Wabos.


Show 8:00PM.

The Red Voodoo Tour

Cabo Wabo comes to LA! Sammy rocked the Universal Amphitheater last night.  He ripped through everything from 'Bad Motor Scooter' to a rocking version of 'Right on Right'.

We were lucky enough to be two of the approximately 30-40 Cabo Wabo Cantina patrons on stage. On the way to the stage I was able to say hi to one of the original netheads, Liza. Some of the other RedHead / Netheads there were Eddie, Alicia , Bob Derwin, Peggy Fenzke, plus many others who I know by face only :)

Some of the highlights of the show include a point early in the show when Sammy borrowed a trench coat from one of the fans in the front row.  He first almost flashed the audience by opening up the coat only a little , then he turned around and opened the coat to the cantina crowd.  He was not wearing his shorts or his underwear... lets just say the ladies in the cantina got more than their money's worth !!! Later during "Marching to Mars" we all followed Sammy across the stage as he led us around the cantina.  After we returned to our places , Nethead Eddie (brokenpipe:) helped Sammy with a few verses of "Marching to Mars".

You can't overlook the Waboritas.  I've seen them many times but they just seem to get better and better.   The timing and enthusiasm by every member of the band is something that other bands I've seen could learn from.   Jessie's blues keyboards, Mona's booming bass, David's pounding rhythm and Vic's shredding guitar work just plain kick ass.

Looking forward to the July 4th show,  just don't know how Sammy and the Waboritas will top this one, but I'm sure they will.

RIGHT NOW, Sammy and the Waboritas are kicking ass...RedHeads Rule!

Thanks to Larry Benson for the review and set list.


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 1  Redhead Comment

nik's picture

I believe that the L.A. show was actually JULY 2nd and that on JUNE 2nd, Sammy was playing Wisconsin.