Band Blogs

May 20, 2013 by sammyhagar 
Celebrity Spirits
Celebrity Spirits

Cool to get some recognition for being the first wave of what they now call "Celebrity Spirits." I'm making Sammy's Beach Bar Rum for the same reason I made my tequila - I want something of quality I can enjoy myself! I believe I have made a better product than what's out there and am pleased to see so many others enjoying it with me.

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May 12, 2013 by sammyhagar 
Happy Mother's Day
Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day to all you muthas out there - ha!

On a serious note I believe being a good mother is the single most important job on earth. Great mothers make great children and great children grow up to be great happy adults. Great adults can make the world a better place for all. Xoxo Sammy. Ps Kari's a great mother a special happy Mother's Day to Kari!

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April 24, 2013 by sammyhagar 
Spring Break, Sammy-style!
Spring Break, Sammy-style!
Spring Break, Sammy-style!
Spring Break, Sammy-style!
Spring Break, Sammy-style!
Spring Break, Sammy-style!
Spring Break, Sammy-style!
Spring Break, Sammy-style!
Spring Break, Sammy-style!
Spring Break, Sammy-style!

Last week was a crazy spring break - from Cabo to Miami to Alabama to New Orleans!

Things started out down in Cabo - hopped up on stage and jammed w/ Cabo Uno and Sammy's Baja Salt Mine is back up and running for the best margarita ever! My salt is only for the cantina to give away (ask for it in Cabo only!). Check out my recipe for the world's great margarita:

1oz fresh Tahitian lime juice
1/2oz damiana
1/2oz Cointreau
1 1/2 to 2oz Cabo Blanco or Reposado
1/2 tsp agave nectar or good raw sugar/ simple syrup- all works fine

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April 22, 2013 by sammyhagar 
23rd Birthday of Cabo Wabo!
23rd Birthday of Cabo Wabo!

Today is the 23rd b-day of Cabo Wabo wow I can't believe it. I wanna thank the red heads from around the world for the success of the Wabo it's all your doing. This is far beyond a dream I had and much more than a business to me. It's become a way of life for me/us. I can't wait for the b-day bash to celebrate with ya. Or we can do it in Tahoe -- 9 yrs. wow!! Get ready red heads we got some partying to do. Eeeeeeha!! Muchas gracias. Sammy

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April 09, 2013 by sammyhagar 
RIP Andy Johns

Very sad news this morning about the passing of the great Andy Johns. Having had the pleasure of seeing him do his magic drum thing with Chad and Alex on two of my favorite CDs in my musical life, I'm not sure there's anyone else that can get that sound much less entertain the troops the way ole Andy could. My love to Annette and family. A big loss to rock music.

Read what the other Chickenfoot members had to sad about Andy Johns sudden passing at

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