If anyone has tickets to Sammy's Cabo birthday bash, can you buy them? Seems unlikely anyone would have them to sell, but I'm in a desperate boat. Sounds like trying to get the dinner tickets is a nightmare as well. Has anyone had luck with that?
Have any of you Redheads received 2nd Chance Drawing Tickets yet? I am patiently awaiting good news! I will be in Cabo this October again,(7th year only 1 show), Sammy or no Sammy. Better with Sammy of course!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey Sammy thought you'd want to know we were in Vegas on the May 27,we stopped at your place and I've got say foo was good ,nice place but only one negative.
Hey Sammy! My 46th birthday is October 11th and I have my plane tickets paid form but I need tickets on the 2nd chance to see you on October 11th in COBO! Help your long time follower from Denver get down there and party with you! From a Libra to a Libra! My best! Stephen
Been planning this Cabo trip for 4yrs. now and hoped to see Sammy but no tix yet. I need some luck in the 2nd chance drawing.If not have to resort to see him in A.C. N.J. in Aug.
Hey Redheads! Finally, got tickets to the Bash. Gonna celebrate my birthday with Sammy on Ten 13. Anybody got any suggestions on the best place to stay close to the cantina? Appreciate any input.
I just returned from Cabo yesterday so I missed the initial uproar on this year's turn of events. I said same thing when they went to lottery, make it so everyone gets 1 show before people can get a 2nd show. I really thought that is how they would do it this year. I loved when they did it online sales and got 2 shows out of the 4. I too have been shut out the last 3 years from lottery but fortunate enough to get a ticket from a friend for a show each year.